ThemExpert - TX Crisp v1.1 - Responsive business template for joomla 2.5 | 42 MB
Crisp is a modern responsive Joomla template for business websites. This advanced and chock full of features theme is powered by our next generation template framework, Expose 4, thus making it responsive to all devices and up to the standards with modern web technologies.
Crisp comes with 2 different K2 styles that allow you to easily build your portfolio. Easyblog is the key extension for the blog of this theme which is integrated into Crisp. Crisp also has support for forums, powered by popular Kunena forum engine that you can use to handle your support requests and serve your customers. Crisp was built with every possible features a corporate/business website needs in mind. Thus the theme has 5 different style variations, rich typography, responsive layout that will make your site look truly gorgeous.
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