WeGraphics - Scratched Metallic Textures 8 JPG | 33,9 MB Here are 8 high resolution (A4 size) grunge metallic textures. Scratches have been hand made beating a sharp iron with a hammer on a metallic surface. After made a photo of each item, I’ve finalized them in Photoshop.
ElegantThemes - ArtSee v4.6 - WordPress Theme
ElegantThemes - ArtSee v4.6 - WordPress Theme | 1,69 MBArtSee is an artsy design that was made for those looking for a simple and elegant theme. This ...
Журнал Мир ПК июнь 2016 pdf
Журнал Мир ПК ориентирован на широкий круг пользователей ПК - от высокопрофессиональных сотрудников крупных корпораций до владельцев домашних компью ...
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