Smith Micro выпустила новую версию своего пакета Poser, который позволяет профессионалам и любителям 3D-анимации создавать тщательно проработанных персонажей, а также трехмерные объекты и детали трехмерных сцен.
Кроме обновленного интерфейса и гибкой настройки пользовательского окружения, пакет Poser предлагает более 3 Гбайт нового контента (в ISO варианте), в том числе 8 новых заготовок для человеческих персонажей разного телосложения и этнической принадлежности.
Poser Pro — мощный и в тоже время простой в использовании программный пакет 3D-дизайна и анимации, позволяющий создавать высокореалистичные персонажи, трехмерные объекты и детали трехмерных сцен для WEB, печатной продукции и видео-производства. С Poser вы легко овладеете 3D-искусством, являетесь ли Вы опытным художником-аниматором, или же в первый раз решили побаловаться графикой. Кроме обновленного интерфейса и гибкой настройки пользовательского окружения Poser включает более чем 4 Гб готовых, полностью текстурированных, человеческих фигур и животных, основные аксессуары, такие как волосы, одежда, реквизиты реального мира и элементы трехмерных сцен, плюс 8 новых заготовок для человеческих персонажей разного телосложения и этнической принадлежности. Таким образом, Вы можете начать создавать трехмерные изображения и анимацию за минуты.
Poser традиционно является одним из самых популярных инструментов для разработки трехмерных персонажей в трехмерной анимации. Функции этого пакета помогают быстро и точно создавать фигуры не только людей, но и животных, включая самых фантастических. Поддерживается быстрое создание персонажа по фотографиям, что особенно важно для обеспечения портретного сходства. Пользователям предлагаются новые функции освещения и рендеринга. В режиме предпросмотра можно выбрать всего один источник, который будет освещать персонажа при рендеринге. Новая система управления контентом поможет пользователям управляться с библиотекой готовых объектов. Новые функции привязки тонов помогают контролировать освещение внутри сцены и полностью менять вид поверхностей на объектах. Модернизированная система скелетов теперь позволяет назначать проблемные области у персонажей, в том числе плечи и колени.
Poser Pro 2012 is the fastest way for professional artists and production teams to add pre-rigged and fully textured 3D characters to their projects.
With over 3GB of included content libraries and richly varied third party Poser content, Poser Pro 2012 is the perfect link between professional production tools and ready to use 3D character assets, saving development time and resources. Poser Pro 2012 includes intuitive posing, animation, and rigging tools all designed to make working with 3D character content as easy as possible. Poser Pro 2012 provides a node-based material system, dynamic hair, dynamic cloth, morph creation brushes and facial photo matching tools Automatic tools lipsync phonemes with imported sound files and create walk and run animation cycles. Poser Pro renders video or still images in photo-real or sketch styles. Included are an updated set of PoserFusion hosting plug-ins to integrate posed or animated Poser characters and scenes into 3ds Max, Maya, and Cinema 4D and Lightwave. Import/Export COLLADA content for 3D figure interchange between game engines and other 2d and 3D tools such as Photoshop, Softimage and SketchUp
Poser Pro 2012 is optimized for 32/64 Bit and multi-core systems, better utilizing system memory and multiple threads to improve overall performance and reduce rendering times, with background rendering so you can continue working on other projects. Poser Pro’s OpenGL Support takes advantage of graphics cad hardware to provide realistic lighting, shadows and color. Poser Pro 2012’s Queue Manager lets you distribute and manage renderings across a Network Render Queue of cross platform systems.
Poser Pro 2012 supports HDRI output to produce images with full range of shadow, color, contrast and highlight intensities. With Gamma Correction, specify gamma values for textures and exported images for linear rendering with increased luminance accuracy. Poser Pro 2012’s improved Firefly render engine now supports Indirect Lighting with Irradiance Caching for Global Illumination effects and even supports rendering with Ambient Occlusion. New Shader nodes enable SubSurface Scattering for luminescent skin tones, FastScattering for bioluminescent effects and a Tri-specular Hair Shader for more appealing trans-mapped hair highlights. Poser’s physically correct light fall-off produces more photo-real final renderings. Normal Mapping adds the appearance of complexity and surface detail to 3D objects without increasing geometry. Render out PSD layers for improved compositing, share final content via Facebook.
Key Features:
• Vertex Weight Map Auto Transfer: For easy character content creation using Poser Pro, we've developed the new vertex Weight Map Auto Transfer feature. This powerful new feature makes it incredibly easy to transform any existing clothing item into a full vertex Weight Map Rigged conforming clothing item.
• Weight Map Creation Tools: Poser Pro delivers the most complete suite of vertex Weight Map Creation tools in the world of Poser. Creating and fine-tuning Weight Maps is easy using Pro 2012's updated Joint Editor features.
• Improved COLLADA Support: COLLADA is the most broadly adopted standard 3D content and figure interchange format in the industry today.
• PoserFusion Hosting Plug-ins: PoserFusion lets you use Poser Pro 2012 as a character animation solution for 3ds Max, Maya, CINEMA 4D and LightWave.
• Poser Pro 2012 includes advanced Weight Map Rig support enabling vertex by vertex fine painting of joint bends and bulges, to generate better performing 3D characters that can be more easily posed with natural joints across the body. Hybrid Rigging supports both traditional Poser Sphere and Capsule zones to be used in combination. Poser Pro also supports both traditional grouped body part figures and single mesh figures. Weight Map Support for third party figures is delivered within our native poser file format, the PZ3, an open, well documented format that has been at the heart of the creative Poser community for over 15 years.
• Poser Pro 2012 is designed with Poser Character Creators in mind and includes a suite of Weight Map editing tools including Weight Auto-transfer to permit the creation of new weight mapped figures from an existing rig, generation of new Weight Maps from existing Poser Zones, pressure sensitive painting of Weight Maps and interactive color display of affected vertices. Another advance in Poser is the ability set-up both traditional zones and weight maps to affect body parts beyond the parent or child of the selected actor, enabling complex figures such as winged figures that need to interact with multiple bodyparts simultaneously. Once you’ve created Weight Mapped figures using Poser Pro, they can be fully integrated into Poser 9 or any of the third hosting apps supported by PoserFusion.
• Other new features include multi-select drag and drop from Poser’s Library, Expanded Context Menus for better workflow, new camera modes to focus on your selected area, pressure sensitive tablet support in the Morph Brush and Weight Map Painting tools, . Improved Content Management system with drag and drop, auto conforming, search, meta data support, zone strength display for figure rigging, parameter change indicator and the Recent Render palette.
• Whether used a standalone character animation system, or as a critical tool in your existing production pipeline, Poser Pro 2012 is the most efficient way for game designers, 3D artists, professional illustrators, animators and graphics production teams to add 3D character animation content to any project.
• Powerful, yet easy to use 3D Character Animation solution
• Integrate pre-rigged characters and content into 3D projects and production pipelines
• Provides both 3D character tools and over 3GB of ready to use character content
• Quickly pose and animate pre-built 3D figures to save time
• Poser doesn’t require character modeling or rigging skills
• Render gamma correct photo-real images and animations, with Global Illumination effects.
• Mac/Win: Native 64 bit application and FireFly Render Engine fully utilizes system hardware for faster rendering and overall performance.
• Render images and animations across your network of computers
• Weight map rigging system provides better bending 3D figures
• SubSurface Scattering renders more life-like skintones
• OpenGL Realtime Preview makes it easier to light scenes and cast shadows
New Feature Benefits
• Real-time OpenGL Scene Preview
• Preview lights, shadows and materials more accurately when you’re creating a scene, to save render time and produce more reliable results when rendering.
• SubSurface Scattering
• This subtle rendering effect produces skintones, wax and stone surfaces that are translucent and catch light more realistically.
• Rendering Performance Improvements
• FireFly improvements in reflections, transparencies, depth of field and motion blur render yield higher quality and smoother results without significantly impacting render times.
• Weight Map Rigging
• Weight Map rigging enables characters to bend better with smoother folds and bulges, using painted weight maps that can set to control each vertex in a joint.
• Weight Maps can be combined with traditional Poser Sphere and Capsule zones for hybridized rigging
• Weight Maps and Zones can affect any number of additional actors in a figure for better bending wings, hips shoulders and fingers.
• Weight Maps can be used for every bend, for twists, and bulges to produce next generation figure rigs.
• Weight Maps can work with traditional grouped and welded Poser figures or with a single mesh figures for greater flexibility when creating new figures
• Weight Map Auto Transfer
• Poser Auto Transfer can transform any imported object into a new figure or conforming clothing item with groups and weight maps to match any selected figure.
• Weight Map Creation Tools
• Automatically create new Weight Map rigs from any existing Poser Zone rig to quickly convert older content into new weight map rigged figures.
• Paint and Edit Weight Maps with pressure sensitive tablet support to perfectly fine tune your bending
• Vertex Display uses a spectrum of color to indicate the Weight Map strength vertex by vertex.
• Apply Symmetry to transfer Weight Maps for bends and bulges from one side to another.
• Grouping Objects
• Grouping Objects allow you to associate a collection of objects with one master objects, to perform moves, rotations, scales or hide and reveal operations. Grouping Objects will make it easier to create and manage complex scenes.
• Context Menu Tools
• Expanded Context Menu operations will vastly improve interaction and scene creation. With unique Context Menus for Figures, Actors, Objects, Lights, Cameras and Backgrounds, you’ll have quick access to the most powerful menu items, so you can save time.
• Full Scene Category in Library
• We’ve added a new Scene Category in the Library so now you save a full Poser scene with lights, cameras, all props and figures in place, and with all dependencies intact. These scenes can be dragged directly from the Library.
• Multi-select drag and drop from Library
• Select multiple items and drag them from the library right onto the Poser scene, allowing you to auto-conform or smart prop multiple objects with one operation.
• Morph Tool Tablet Support
• The Morph Tool has been improved with pressure sensitive tablet support for more precise morph painting.
• Constraint Objects
• To make it easier to animate a figure catching or throwing ball, we’ve added Constraint Objects.
• Light Casting Objects
• Any element in the scene can now be transformed into a Light Casting Object that is invisible when rendering, this feature will be very useful for the creation of light domes.
• Frame Object Camera
• The Frame Object Camera will instantly zoom in and focus the camera frame on your currently selected object, much like the Face and Hand Cameras, this feature will help save time when working on a tight area of a scene.
• Rotate Object Camera Mode
• Toggling the Rotate Object Camera will permit a camera to rotate around the center point of the currently selected object to make it easier to view ab area you are working on from any number of angles.
• Full 64 bit Mac/Win
• Poser Pro 2012, the FireFly rendering engine and the Queue Manager are now full 64 bit on both Macintosh and Windows platforms
• Faster Dynamic Hair
• Improvements under the hood calculate dynamic hair collisions faster and render it faster as well, to save time.
• Pre-render Texture Caching
• To speed up render times, Poser now preloads textures in the background and can cache them if desired.
• Python 2.7 Support
• Python 2.7 support permits Poser to take full advantage of improvements to the scripting language.
• Improved COLLADA Support
• Support for single mesh, weight mapped figure export allows Poser content to integrate into even more 2D and 3D applications.
System Requirements
Windows: Windows XP, Vista or 7 (64-bit OS required for 64-bit installation), 1.3 GHz Pentium 4 or newer, Athlon 64 or newer (1.65 GHz multicore or faster recommended), 1 GB system RAM (2 GB or more recommended), OpenGL enabled graphics card or chipset recommended (recent NVIDIA GeForce and ATI Radeon required for advanced real-time preview features), 24-bit color display, 1024 x 768 minimum resolution, 3 GB free hard disk space (5 GB recommended), DVD-ROM drive (physical product only), Internet connection required for Content Paradise, Windows® Internet Explorer® 7 or newer, Adobe® Flash® Player 9 or newer (Flash® Player 11 required for 64-bit embedded library), Adobe® AIR® (external library), Hosting plugins require a valid English language installation of their respective host application: Maxon CINEMA 4D R10-13 (64 & 32-bit), Autodesk 3ds Max 2010-2012 (64 & 32-bit), Autodesk Maya 2010-2012 (64 & 32-bit), and NewTek LightWave 3D 9.6-10.1 (64 & 32-bit).

Информация о софте:Год релиза: 2012
Название софта: Smith Micro Poser Pro
Версия: 9.0.3
Платформа/Система: Windows®ALL
Язык итрефейса: english
Лечение: keymaker CORE
Вес архива: 81.5 Mb