Пособие включает двадцать публицистических тем-эссе, построенных на современных аутентичных текстах. Их тематика, а также система заданий к ним позволяют научить читателей рассмотрению темы, ее обсуждению, доказательству своей точки зрения. В результате учащиеся научатся составлять самостоятельные устные темы и письменные ответы по любой тематике, привыкнут к работе, построенной на принципах тестирования.
Предназначено для использования в выпускных классах гимназий и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, а также на практических занятиях по разговору в вузах.
Содержание:TOPIC 1. Each Man Is a Creator of a Temple Called the
Human Body ............................................................................... 8
TOPIC 2. If I Were in an English Speaking Country the First
Thing I Would Do Is... ............................................................... 14
TOPIC 3. Some Books Are to Be Tasted Others to Be
Swallowed and Some Few to Be Chewed and
Digested .................................................................................... 22
TOPIC 4. The Family Is One of the Nature's Masterpieces.................. 30
TOPIC 5. You Have Won a Round the World Trip. (Plan It,
Including Means of Transportatioon,
Accommodation and Sightseeing. Give Reasons for
Your Choices) ........................................................................... 38
TOPIC 6. Only a Madman Should Choose to Live in a Large
Modern City. Do You Agree or Not? Give Your
Reasons .................................................................................... 48
TOPIC 7. What Makes People Commit Crimes? .................................. 55
TOPIC 8. What Features of English or American Education
Would You Like to Introduce into the System of
Education in Russia? ................................................................ 62
TOPIC 9. Speak About Any Film You Will Remember
Forever. Give Details of the Plot. Say What You
Liked and Disliked About It ...................................................... 71
TOPIC 10. What Do You Think of Science? Do Science and
Technology Do More Good Than Harm, More Harm
Than Good, or About Equal? ................................................... 78
TOPIC 11. Are You Aware of the Need to Look After the
Environment, or Do You Believe It Is None of Your
Concern and There Is Little You Can Do about It.
Give Your Reasons .................................................................. 86
TOPIC 12. Music Is the Universal Language of Mankind ..................... 95
TOPIC 13. A Great Painting Enriches Our Experience of Life
Just as a Great Poem Does or a Great Musical
Piece ....................................................................................... 103
TOPIC 14. Do You Think Mass Media Play an Important Part
in the Life of the Society? ....................................................... 111
TOPIC 15. Is Television a Blessing or a Curse and a Time
Waster? ................................................................................... 118
TOPIC 16. Are You Influenced by Advertising? .................................. 125
TOPIC 17. What Shops Would You Choose for Your
Weekend Shopping? Why? ................................................... 133
TOPIC 18. Give Details on How Your Age Group Spends
Free Time ................................................................................ 140
TOPIC 19. How Do You Visualize the Starting Point of Your
Future Career, its Prospects and Possible
Changes? ................................................................................ 148
TOPIC 20. Money Makes The World Go Round ................................. 155
Название: 20 topics for free conversation/20 тем для свободного общения
Авторы: В.М. Павлоцкий, Н.А. Храмова
Издательство: КАРО
Год выпуска: 2000
Жанр: иностранные языки, обучение, учебное пособие, аудиокурс, английский
Формат: Pdf + MP3
Страниц: 160
Язык: английский, русский
Размер: 113 Мб
Забрать аудиокурс Павлоцкий В.М., Храмова Н.А. - 20 topics for free conversation /20 тем для свободного общения