Перед Вами полезная библиотека книг по Python. Python - высокоуровневый язык программирования, который имеет общее назначения с акцентом на производительность разработчика и читаемость кода.
A Byte of Python 1.92 [Swaroop C. H.] (2009) A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009) Beginning Game Development with Python and Pygame: From Novice to Professional [Will McGugan] (2007) Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2005) Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional, 2nd Edition [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2008) Beginning Python: Using Python 2.6 and Python 3.1 [James Payne] (2010) Beginning Python Visualization: Crafting Visual Transformation Scripts [Shai Vaingast] (2009) Bioinformatics Programming Using Python [Mitchell L Model] (2009) Building Skills in Object-Oriented Design [Steven F. Lott] (2009) Building Skills in Python [Steven F. Lott] (2010) CherryPy Essentials: Rapid Python Web Application Development [Sylvain Hellegouarch] (2007) Core Python Programming [Wesley Chun] (2000) Core Python Programming, 2nd Edition [Wesley Chun] (2006) Dive Into Python 3 [Mark Pilgrim] (2009) Expert Python Programming [Tarek Ziade] (2008) Foundations of Agile Python Development [Jeff Younker] (2008) Foundations of Python Network Programming [John Goerzen] (2004) Foundations of Python Network Programming, 2nd Edition [Brandon Rhodes] (2010) Gray Hat Python: Python Programming for Hackers and Reverse Engineers [Justin Seitz] (2009) Hands-on Python Tutorial [Andrew N. Harrington] (2009) Head First Programming: A learner's guide to programming using the Python language [David Griffiths] (2009) Head First Python [Paul Barry] (2010) Hello World: Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners [Warren Sande] (2009) Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python [Albert Sweigart] (2008) Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 2nd Edition [Albert Sweigart] (2009) IronPython in Action [Michael Foord] (2009) Learn Python The Hard Way [Zed A. Shaw] (2010) Learning Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2008) Learning Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009) Making Use of Python [Rashi Gupta] (2002) Matplotlib for Python Developers [Sandro Tosi] (2009) Mobile Python: Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform [Jurgen Scheible] (2007) MySQL for Python [Albert Lukaszewski] (2010) Natural Language Processing with Python [Steven Bird] (2009) NNumerical Methods in Engineering with Python [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2005) NuNumerical Methods in Engineering with Python, 2nd Edition [Jaan Kiusalaas] (2010) Plone 3 Products Development Cookbook [Juan Pablo Gimenez] (2010) Practical Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science Using Python [Jennifer Campbell] (2009) Pro IronPython [Alan Harris] (2009) Pro Python [Marty Alchin] (2010) Professional IronPython [John Paul Mueller] (2010) Programming Collective Intelligence [Toby Segaran] (2008) Programming for Non-Programmers - How to Write Your Own Software Using Python [Steven F. Lott] (2009) Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language [Mark Summerfield] (2008) Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language, 2nd Edition [Mark Summerfield] (2009) Programming Python, 3rd Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009) Programming Python, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2010) Python & XML [Christopher A. Jones] (2002) Python: Create - Modify - Reuse [James O. Knowlton] (2008) Python 2.1 Bible [Dave Brueck] (2001) Python 2.6 Graphics Cookbook [Mike Ohlson de Fine] (2010) Python 2.6 Text Processing: Beginner's Guide [Jeff McNeil] (2010) Python 3 for Absolute Beginners [Tim Hall] (2009) Python 3 Object Oriented Programming [Dusty Phillips] (2010) Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language [Magnus Lie Hetland] (2010) Python and Tkinter Programming [John E. Grayson] (2000) Python Essential Reference, 3rd Edition [David M. Beazley] (2006) Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition [David M. Beazley] (2009) Python for Software Design: How to Think Like a Computer Scientist [Allen Downey] (2009) Python for Unix and Linux System Administration [Noah Gift] (2009) Python Geospatial Development [Erik Westra] (2010) Python Phrasebook [Brad Dayley] (2006) Python Pocket Reference, 4th Edition [Mark Lutz] (2009) Python Power!: The Comprehensive Guide [Matt Telles] (2007) Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner [Michael Dawson] (2003) Python Programming Fundamentals [Kent D. Lee] (2010) Python Scripting for Computational Science [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2004) Python Scripting for Computational Science, 2nd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2005) Python Scripting for Computational Science, 3rd Edition [Hans Petter Langtangen] (2009) Python Testing: Beginner's Guide [Daniel Arbuckle] (2010) Python Text Processing with NLTK 2.0 Cookbook [Jacob Perkins] (2010) Python в системном администрировании UNIX и Linux [Ноа Гифт] (2009) Python. Подробный справочник, 4-е издание [Дэвид М. Бизли] (2010) Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt [Mark Summerfield] (2007) Real World Instrumentation with Python [John M. Hughes] (2010) Snake Wrangling for Kids: Learning to Program with Python [Jason R. Briggs] (2007) Spring Python 1.1 [Greg Lee Turnquist] (2010) The Definitive Guide to Jython: Python for the Java Platform [Josh Juneau] (2010) The Definitive Guide to Pylons [James Gardner] (2008) The Quick Python Book, 2nd Edition [Vernon L. Ceder] (2010) wxPython 2.8 Application Development Cookbook [Cody Precord] (2010) wxPython in Action [Noel Rappin] (2006) Изучаем Python, 3-е издание [Марк Лутц] (2008) Практикум по алгоритмизации и программированию на Python [Хахаев И. А.] (2011) Программирование на Python 3. Подробное руководство [Марк Саммерфилд] (2009) Программирование на Python, 2-е издание [Марк Лутц] (2002) Программируем коллективный разум [Тоби Сегаран] (2008) Язык программирования Python - курс лекций [Роман Авриевич Сузи] (2005) Язык программирования Python [Гвидо ван Россум] (2001)
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