Новейший учебник английского для начального уровня на печатной основе с аудиокурсом.
Based on extensive research, Grammar and Beyond ensures that students study accurate information about grammar and apply it in their own speech and writing. Student's Book, Level 1 is the main component of Grammar and Beyond. In each unit, students study the grammar in a realistic text and through charts and notes informed by a billion-word corpus of authentic language. The exercises provide practice in reading, writing, listening, and speaking, making this a complete course. Students learn to avoid common mistakes, based on an extensive corpus of learner language. Each unit concludes with a Grammar for Writing section, in which students apply the grammar in an extended writing task.
Название: Grammar and beyond 1 Автор: Randi Reppen Издательство: Cambridge University Press Год выпуска: 2012 Жанр: изучение иностранных языков, учебник, аудиокурс, английский Формат: PDF + MP3 Страниц: 460 Язык: английский Размер: 135 Мб
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